My current adventurous obsession has been revamping my P.R. means and getting more of my work out into the ether. I cut my hair and LOVE it. My neighbor ran into me and described the new do as being "mod and fearless." I told him that I appreciated him and his opinions very much. My extraordinarily talented friend Aurelia is going to do the honors and snap some new shots. She was the one who did the brilliant job at recreating all of my American Apparel ads for my latest A.A. show. Here is a teaser for your thorough enjoyment. Radical? I'd say so.
I'm also in the process of revamping my website with my ridiculously talented sister. Christa is the reason that half of my P.R. stuff looks so professional. Otherwise I'd still be living in the days of cutting and pasting. With actual scissors and paste.
And that, ladies and gentleman, has been my life the last week. The revamps (I've used this word now three times) and new ideas. And I haven't even begun to work on my taxes and I have my appointment on Wednesday to make the magic happen! Perhaps I should stop this now and rummage through some old receipts to acquire some much needed write offs. Goodnight!